His memories in a trunk

Reflections on literature, language(s), and music

Archive for the month “October, 2013”

Aranea aestiva

From late summer till now our front porch has been the residence of a golden silk orb-weaver, a large and beautiful spider (genus Nephila) that spins strong strands in great webs. Her web has had four settings, it being accidentally damaged twice, and she having moved it of her own accord another time. She is around 9cm at the longest, but with her legs not fully extended. There was a diminutive male around briefly, but he has long since disappeared. The pictures speak for themselves, but more is here, and for some related folklore, be sure to note the Jorōgumo (aka “whore spider”)!


Taken soon after she arrived. Comparatively smaller than in the later photos.


Preparing to dine on a bumblebee. From time to time you could hear crunching as she worked on the insect’s body.

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